viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014



Subject: Visual Arts 

Course/level: 3º E.S.O.

Title of the unit: Audiovisual Language


In this unit we will learn about Audiovisual Language.The main learning outcomes and evaluation criteria for this unit are:

- To know and distinguish different type of camera shots and angles
- To know different camera movements
- To know different types of montage
- To know about the different meanings of colour 


The students will have to create a poster (in pairs) in which the following sections must appear:

1. Film´s plot
2. Technical analysis
3. Describing the main characters
4. Moral of the film
5. Explain and write in English what they have learnt about the film
6. Compare with films of the same genre
7. Look for pictures to ilustrate different camera shots, angles
8. Write and alternative ending fot the film they´ve chosen
9. Explain the reasons why they have chosen the film
10. Present the project to the class and recommend the film



In this activity they will use basic language to describe a film (30 minutes)

2.   Describing the main characters:
In the following web we´ll work the different adjectives to describe someone. They will have to write a short description of their favourite actor/actress. (30 minutes)

2nd and 3rd SESSION:
Audiovisual Language (theory)

1.1        To introduce the topic we will read a manual in which we explain some important concepts in Audiovisual Language. (20 minutes)

1.2        Then we´ll watch the following video. "Camera shots and angles" (10 minutes)
En este vídeo en inglés el alumnado de Plástica aprende los diferentes tipos de planos y ángulos de cámara más utilizados en el lenguaje audiovisual.

Play trivial with questions about the manual and the video in the following link: or in Visual Arts´blog: (30 minutes) App uploaded to the blog so the students answer different questions and consolidate wayh they´ve learnt. Students can create their own app individually at home.

The materials and resources used are digital whiteboard, manual, internet, computer and projector.


Search for information about the film they´ve chosen so they can find all the infomation to complete the different sections. They can use any website they want but I recomend these:

The materials and resources used are Internet and laptops

5 - 8th  SESSION:

In these 4 sessions they will design and create their poster in which all sections (Film´s plot, technical analysis, describing the main characters, moral of the film etc...)

During these sessions they can use any electronic device to connect to the internet and work in this project. 


The materials and resources used are thin coloured cardboard, markers, coloured pencils, coloured felt-tip pens, poster paints, printer, glue, internet, laptops.


Students will have to prepare a Powerpoint presentation 

The materials and resources used are Internet, laptops and Powerpoint

10th and 11th SESSION:

Students will have to present their Powerpoint presentation to the rest of the class in which they explain their project and recommend the film they´ve chosen. The materials and resources used are digital whiteboard, computer and projector.

Complete self-evaluation to fulfil the evaluation progress (15 minutes)

By completing this tasks they will thoroughly demonstrate their writing, oral and listening skills and improve their vocabulary as well as demonstrate the knowledge acquired about the topic we have studied.

The materials and resources used are digital whiteboard, computer and projector.

Film Reviews 2014  Visual Arts 3º ESO

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